Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!!

Wishing all of my friends, family, and new friends to come a Happy 4th of July!   It's going to be a low-key day here with a lot of possibilities for some creating! :)

How will you be spending the day?

How many of you will be daydreaming of new projects, and classroom decor?  Come on, admit it... some of you have even been stockpiling new stuff for your room!!! :)  There are a lot of retail chains having sales this summer. It seems to be starting a little bit earlier!!

No matter how you decide to spend your day,  I hope you'll all take a moment to reflect on the freedoms we have (in the U.S. and elsewhere...) and how fortunate we are to be able to do many of the things which we sometimes take for granted.  We've come a long way since 1776, though its interesting to ponder what our Founding Father's would be thinking if they were to come back and see all of the changes.

Of course our military service men and women (and their families), past and present, deserve to be honored for their sacrifices and duty. It isn't just about picnics, parties, and fireworks.

Be safe.  Enjoy your day with friends and family!

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